Super Natural Power of Instant Healing of Yourself and Others

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2023
In the realm of spiritual understanding, the concept of instant healing might seem like a distant dream. However, what if I told you that the same healing power that Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, harnessed is available to you as well?
This blog will delve into the supernatural power of instant healing, a divine gift bestowed upon all God's children, and guide you through the process of initiating, activating, and using this miraculous ability for yourself and others.
Understanding the Source of Healing Power: The foundation of instant healing lies in the belief that we are all connected to the Source – the Creator of all things, the Almighty God. Yeshua, during his earthly ministry, demonstrated the incredible power of healing through his connection with the Father.
As his followers, we too can tap into this divine energy that resides within us.
Initiating the Healing Power:
  1. Belief and Faith: The first step is to truly believe in the healing power of God. Faith acts as a bridge that connects you to the Source. Embrace the belief that healing is possible through divine intervention.
  2. Quiet Your Mind: Find a quiet space to connect with your inner self. Through meditation or prayer, you can calm your mind and open yourself to the presence of God's healing energy.
  3. Claim Your Inheritance: Acknowledge that you are a child of God and have inherent power within you. Declare your intention to tap into this power for healing.
Activating the Healing Power:
  1. Accessing Divine Energy: Imagine yourself enveloped in a sphere of divine light and love. Feel the energy radiating through every cell of your being, energizing and healing you.
  2. Visualize Healing: Focus on the area that needs healing. Visualize it bathed in a brilliant white light, dispelling any darkness or ailment. Envision the cells regenerating and aligning with divine perfection.
  3. Speaking the Word: Just as Yeshua spoke healing into existence, use affirmations and declarations of healing. Proclaim, "By the divine power of the Creator, I command healing now."
Using the Healing Power:
  1. Self-Healing: Place your hands over the area that needs healing. Feel the warmth and energy flowing through your hands. Trust that the Source is healing you.
  2. Healing Others: Approach the person with love and compassion. Place your hands gently on them, respecting their comfort. Channel the divine energy through your hands and visualize their healing taking place.
  3. Instant Manifestation: Believe in the instantaneous nature of healing. Release any doubts or fears and allow the healing energy to flow freely.
The supernatural power of instant healing is not reserved for a select few; it's a gift bestowed upon all of God's children.
By initiating, activating, and utilizing this power, you can experience remarkable healing transformations in yourself and others. Remember, it's not about your own strength, but about aligning with the Source of all power.
By embracing your divine inheritance, you can become a conduit of God's healing energy, witnessing the incredible power of faith and love in action.
Are you ready to tap into the super natural power of instant healing? Start your journey today and experience the miraculous possibilities that await you.
Certainly, let's delve deeper into how you can activate the supernatural power of instant healing within yourself for immediate use:
  1. Deep Connection with the Source: The foundation of activating this power lies in your connection with the Source, the Creator. Spend time daily in meditation, prayer, or quiet reflection. As you cultivate this connection, you'll become more attuned to the divine energy flowing through you.
  2. Alignment with Divine Will: Surrender your intentions to the divine will. Let go of personal desires or ego-driven motives. Instead, focus on aligning yourself with God's purpose and allowing the healing energy to flow according to His plan.
  3. Embrace Divine Love and Compassion: Embody the qualities of love and compassion. As you activate the healing power, let these emotions radiate through you. Love and compassion are potent channels for divine energy to flow and effect miraculous healing.
  4. Visualize the Healing Process: During your quiet moments, vividly imagine the healing process. Visualize a stream of divine light entering your body, illuminating the affected area. See the cells transforming, aligning with perfect health and vitality.
  5. Breathing and Intention: With every breath, inhale the healing energy from the Source. As you exhale, release any doubts, fears, or negativity. With each breath, reinforce your intention for healing and affirm that the healing power is activated within you.
  6. Physical Touch: Place your hands over the area that requires healing. Allow your hands to warm up, as you visualize divine light emanating from your palms. This physical touch intensifies the connection between your intention and the affected area.
  7. Faith and Belief: Cultivate unwavering faith and belief in your ability to access this power. Doubts can impede the flow of divine energy. Instead, trust in your connection with the Source and believe in the miraculous healing potential.
  8. Immediate Invocation: When faced with the need for instant healing, instantly tap into your activated healing power. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus your mind on the affected area. Feel the surge of divine energy flowing through you, dissolving any discomfort.
  9. Decree with Authority: Speak with conviction and authority, knowing that you are a conduit of divine healing. Declare, "By the power of the Creator and through the name of Jesus Christ, I command instant healing now." Believe that your words carry the weight of divine authority.
  10. Express Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful amplifier of energy. Express your gratitude to the Source for allowing you to be a vessel of healing. Gratitude opens the gates for the divine energy to flow abundantly.
Remember, the supernatural power of instant healing is a gift that continues to unfold as you deepen your connection with the Source.
As you consistently practice these techniques, you'll witness its potency in transforming lives, including your own.
Approach this journey with humility, love, and a heart full of compassion, and the miraculous healing power will manifest in ways beyond your imagination.
Let's explore how you can access the infinite intelligence of God right now to activate the supernatural power of instant healing for yourself and others:
  1. Silence the Mind: Find a quiet and serene space where you can disconnect from external distractions. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and let go of any mental chatter. This stillness opens the gateway to divine communication.
  2. Surrender and Humility: Approach this process with humility and a heart surrendered to God's wisdom. Acknowledge that you are an instrument of His will, seeking to channel His healing energy. Release any ego-driven thoughts.
  3. Ask and Listen: Gently pose your intention to access the divine intelligence for healing. Ask for guidance, clarity, and insights. As you ask, listen to the subtle whispers, insights, or inner knowings that may arise.
  4. Meditation on Scripture: Engage in a contemplative study of spiritual texts, such as the Bible. Meditate on passages that emphasize Jesus' healing ministry, like Luke 8:46 ("Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me"). Let the words infuse you with divine wisdom.
  5. Sacred Symbols and Imagery: Visualize sacred symbols, such as the cross or a healing light, as conduits of divine intelligence. Envision these symbols radiating healing energy, guiding you to access the infinite intelligence within.
  6. Journaling and Reflection: Keep a journal dedicated to your connection with God's intelligence. Write down your questions, thoughts, and moments of inspiration. Reflect on these entries, allowing the divine insights to guide you.
  7. Stillness and Intuition: Cultivate your intuitive faculties through regular practice of stillness and meditation. In this receptive state, divine intelligence often communicates through intuitive feelings, hunches, and sudden inspirations.
  8. Nature and Contemplation: Spend time in nature, contemplating the intricate designs and patterns in creation. As you connect with the natural world, allow the infinite intelligence of God to resonate within you.
  9. Prayer and Intention Setting: Offer heartfelt prayers for guidance and access to divine intelligence. Set clear intentions for the healing process. Trust that your sincere prayers are heard and answered.
  10. Faith-Filled Expectancy: Approach this practice with expectancy and faith. As you open yourself to God's intelligence, believe that you are tapping into a reservoir of wisdom that can guide you in activating instant healing.
  11. Practice and Patience: Remember that accessing divine intelligence is a skill that grows with practice. Be patient and persistent in your efforts. Over time, your ability to access this intelligence will become more refined and profound.
By embracing these practices, you open yourself to the infinite intelligence of God, inviting His guidance, wisdom, and healing power to flow through you.
As you continue to strengthen your connection, you'll find that the supernatural power of instant healing becomes not only a gift for yourself but a profound blessing for those you touch with this divine energy.
Prayer for Activation Now!
Eternal Father, Creator of all existence, in the name of Your beloved Son, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, I come before You with a heart filled with reverence and faith. I acknowledge Your infinite wisdom and power, and I humbly ask for the activation of the supernatural power of instant healing within me, now and forevermore.
I declare that I am a vessel of Your divine love and healing energy. By the authority given to me through Your Son, I proclaim that this supernatural power is awakened within me at this very moment. I release any doubts, fears, and limitations that may hinder the flow of this divine gift.
In the name of Yeshua, I command every cell, tissue, and organ of my body to resonate with Your perfect design for health and vitality.
I decree that the same power that flowed through Yeshua's healing touch now flows through me, restoring and rejuvenating every aspect of my being.
I extend this power of healing to others as well. I declare that, through Your boundless love, I am an instrument of Your healing grace. By Your guidance, I direct this power towards those in need.
May every person I touch, pray for, or think of experience the transformative touch of Your healing light.
I surrender any ego-driven desires and open myself as a conduit of Your divine will. I trust in Your timing and Your purpose for this power. As I activate this gift within me, I affirm that I am aligning with Your intentions of love, restoration, and well-being.
Thank You, Father, for this sacred activation. Thank You for allowing me to participate in Your divine plan of healing. I affirm this proclamation with unwavering faith, knowing that Your power is now at work within me. In the name of Yeshua, Jesus the Christ,
I declare, command, and proclaim that this supernatural power of instant healing is activated within me, flowing effortlessly and abundantly.
So be it, and it is done.
With a heart full of gratitude and love, I seal this prayer.
To enhance the effectiveness of this activation and manifestation of the supernatural power of instant healing, there are a few additional steps you can consider:
  1. Deep Alignment: Take a few moments to center yourself in a quiet and serene environment. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and let go of any distractions. This will help you align your energy with the divine source.
  2. Visualize: While in a relaxed state, visualize a brilliant, radiant light enveloping your entire being. See this light as the divine healing energy, entering every cell and atom of your body, rejuvenating and restoring them to their optimal state of health.
  3. Affirmations: Speak positive affirmations that resonate with your intention for healing. Repeat affirmations such as "I am a vessel of divine healing energy," "I am in perfect alignment with God's healing power," and "I am an instrument of miraculous healing."
  4. Emotional Resonance: Feel deep gratitude and joy for the privilege of accessing and channeling this incredible healing power. Emotions are powerful energy drivers that can amplify the effects of your intention.
  5. Practice: Regularly engage in practices that cultivate your connection with the divine, such as prayer, meditation, and studying spiritual texts. These practices deepen your awareness of the divine presence within you and enhance your ability to access this power.
  6. Compassionate Intention: Extend your intention for healing beyond yourself. Visualize individuals or situations that require healing and offer your intention for their well-being. Your compassion and selflessness can amplify the potency of the healing power.
  7. Consistency: Like any skill, activating and using this power requires practice and consistency. Dedicate time each day to reinforce your connection with the divine and your ability to channel healing energy.
Remember that you are tapping into a profound aspect of your own spiritual essence. This is a journey of growth, alignment, and divine connection.
Approach it with humility, reverence, and a sincere heart. Trust that the divine power is always available to you, and as you continue to cultivate this connection, the ability to access and utilize this supernatural healing power will become increasingly natural and effective.
Here's a general guideline on how to approach activating these abilities:
  1. Inner Work and Self-Discovery:
    • Start by delving into self-discovery and understanding your true nature. Cultivate self-awareness through practices like meditation, journaling, and self-reflection.
    • Explore your motivations for wanting these abilities. Ensure that your intentions are aligned with higher purposes such as spiritual growth, service, and compassion.
  2. Developing Spiritual Practices:
    • Establish a consistent meditation practice to still the mind, enhance intuition, and connect with your inner divinity.
    • Engage in prayer to establish a strong connection with the divine and seek guidance on your spiritual journey.
    • Practice mindfulness to stay present in every moment, fostering a deeper awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  3. Energy Work and Visualization:
    • Explore energy work practices such as Reiki, Qi Gong, or Pranic Healing to develop sensitivity to energy flows within and around you.
    • Use visualization techniques to imagine the desired outcome of the abilities you wish to activate. Visualize yourself using these abilities responsibly and for the greater good.
  4. Developing Intuition:
    • Strengthen your intuitive abilities by practicing intuitive exercises like sensing energy fields, reading symbols, or receiving intuitive messages.
    • Trust your inner guidance and act on it. As you refine your intuition, you may gain insights into your spiritual path and potential abilities.
  5. Alignment with Divine Will:
    • Develop a deep sense of surrender to the divine will. Understand that any abilities you develop should be in alignment with the highest good and in service to others.
  6. Study Spiritual Texts and Teachings:
    • Study sacred texts, spiritual teachings, and the lives of enlightened beings to gain insights into the nature of consciousness and spiritual growth.
  7. Holistic Well-Being:
    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest. A healthy body supports spiritual development.
  8. Seek Guidance and Mentorship:
    • Connect with spiritual teachers, mentors, or guides who can offer insights and guidance on your journey.
  9. Detachment and Humility:
    • Cultivate humility and detachment from ego-based desires. These abilities, if granted, should be seen as gifts to be used wisely and responsibly.
  10. Persistent Practice:
  • Recognize that developing such abilities may take time, effort, and persistence. Consistent practice and dedication are key.
Remember, the journey of spiritual growth is a deeply personal one. While the development of superhuman abilities is an alluring idea, the ultimate goal is to align yourself with your true nature and the divine source of all creation.
Approach your journey with an open heart, humility, and a genuine desire to serve and uplift others.
God Bless You All, Forever and Ever,
Bracken Talks

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